available for travel

BASED IN Fort mill, sc | Charlotte, NC 

janice indupalli

joyful, authentic, timeless

 portrait | wedding photographer







Fueled by Jesus and all the coffee, my days are filled with treasuring times with my husband and children and capturing just the sweetest , most beautiful moments on camera. Your story, your love, is special and I can't wait to capture it in images you will treasure for years to come.
I strive to create images that remind you of the joy you share together, the images you are itching to print and frame, the images you hang on the walls for years to come.
Whenever I pick up my camera, I seek to create an experience that is authentic and beautiful, showcasing emotional images that tell a story.



I'm so glad you have found me. Welcome to my online home! If you are new here, thank you for taking the time to visit. A few things to know is that I am married to my amazing husband since 2008 and we have two beautiful children who give us so much joy and challenge us to be better. It is so important to me that you know that everything I do in my business is rooted from my heart. Our journey here on earth has been difficut and challenging since expecting our sweet boy, Jude.  Having gone through deep heartbreak to joy and purpose, I cannot wait to share with you our story and how I have chosen to pursue this career in photography.

I grew up in the small state of CT and moved down south in 2013. I have always loved meeting new people and building relationships for as long as I can remember. Because I love people and personalities so much, I decided to study Nursing and then Psychology. After going through 2 years of Nursing, I decided to complete my education in Psychology with a concentration in Counseling. I am so thankful for the knowledge I obtained through my degree and how God has orchestrated this all out for my good and His glory. 

Many in this career share how they have always wanted to be a photographer and had dreams and aspirations starting their own business. That is not my story.
My creative journey began when I was a child. I loved capturing images, especially ones that had a story. I loved sending in my film to get the photos back and share those stories behind the images to my parents. As I got older, I shadowed my dad at his photography sessions and weddings and learned so much from him. He had a side business in photography so it was natural to me, but never dreamed of doing my own thing!
Fast forward a few and some years, I now have the privilege to capture love stories, share my art with you and share my ups and downs of everyday life on social media. 
Reflecting back on how this all unfolded, I see God's gracious and loving hand who has and continues to write my story.  

Rock Hill, SC

"Our pictures are amazing! I love them so so so much! Thank you!"


There is no better way to start my day than to give my first moments to Jesus. Praise the Lord that we do not walk alone. That His mercies are new each morning and that His grace is extended unfailingly to His own. 

Our lives are like maps and in order to read that map correctly, we need a scale. That scale is the Gospel. We must return to that scale over and over again to align our hearts to the Gospel.

Studying my Bible


Whoever found coffee beans and thought to create coffee and expresso, thank you! I love coffee and not just because it gives me mom joy, but I love the taste and learning where my beans are coming from.
There's some interesting facts about coffee out there and I am here for it!

For those concerned, yes I still like to do this in the winter with a blanket!

Sipping coffee on
my front porch


There is nothing quite as refreshing as taking a long walk. This may be odd to some, but I feel so much more energized when I do. I love going with a friend, so if you want to go with, you know what to do! 

Taking long walks


I love doing special things for my family! Whether that's planning a fun day trip, making an extra special dinner, baking something sweet, playing a board game or movie night, I just love that I can love on them. Did I use the word love too much?

Loving on my family


This is so big in our family. It's actually the very reason that drew me closer to my husband when we were friends. His charm was a close second. ;)
We absolutely love serving our local church through music and teaching!




ON other days YOU’LL FIND ME


Reflecting back on how it all started, I would definitely say my dad was my inspiration. I observed the joy and determination when he had his camera in his hands. I started shooting with disposable film cameras and eventually a Canon PowerShot Digital to a DSLR. I played and practiced until I found my style and learning all the bells and whistles.  It wasn't long after that I studied through post processing and some courses. I truly believe it is a gift to be able capture real and raw moments into images  was so rewarding! 

it all began somewhere.

a little background